
- Tayfun Pirselimoglu
- Erdem Senocak, Jale Arikan
- 2021
- Turchia, Grecia, Francia
- v.o. turco sott. ing. e it.
- 101'
- Getaki Film
- Tayfun Pirselimoglu
- Nikos Kypourgos
- Ali Aga
- Andreas Sinanos
CAN is a witness of a murder in the town where he came for his father funeral.The police doesn’t allow him to leave.He meets strange friends of his father in the town where he trapped. On the other hand, a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs at large.He even gets more surprised as he is accused of an unknown crime.Whole town turning into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
Select a cinema
- Teatro Petruzzelli
- Teatro Piccinni