Und Morgen Seid Ihr Tot (And Tomorrow We Will Be Dead)

- Michael Steiner
- Morgane Ferru, Sven Schelker
- 2021
- Svizzera, Germania
- v.o. ted.-ing.-pashtun sott. ing. e it.
- 115'
- Zodiac Pictures
- Urs Bühler, Daniel Young
- Adrian Frutiger
- Sophie Blöchlinger, Benjamin Fueter
- Filip Zumbrunn
- Ashima Belapurkar
- https://lineup.playmaker.de/masters-talents/#and-tomorrow-we-will-be-dead
In 2011 the young Swiss couple DANIELA WIDMER and DAVID OCH get kidnapped on their journey along the old Silk Road in Pakistan. They’re taken 500 kilometres to warlike Waziristan and handed over to the local Taliban. The two of them are living under the most precarious conditions for 8 months in hostage custody, until they finally succeed in escaping from the Taliban, as the only civilians so far.
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- Teatro Petruzzelli
- Teatro Piccinni